Circular Economy

A circular economy aims to addresses a range of imminent challenges, including climate change, biodiversity loss, and the over-consumption of finite resources, by reducing the wasteful and resource-hungry processes of conventional, linear, models of production and consumption.[1]

While conventional models of resource use follow a linear path--from resource extraction, manufacturing, distribution, consumption and disposal--circular economies place a greater focus on the “sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling”[2] of materials already in use in the economy.

Doughnut Economics

Doughnut economics is a visual framework for sustainable development that illustrates that social systems sit within overall planetary boundaries and ecological systems.[1]

It consists of two concentric rings:

  • A social foundation – to ensure that no one is left falling short on life’s essentials.


A bioregion is an area of land and/or sea defined by common patterns of natural characteristics and environmental processes (such as geology, landform patterns, climate, ecological features such as plant and animal communities). A bioregion is an area that is sufficient to maintain the integrity of the region’s biological communities, habitats, and ecosystems (Philips, 1995).…

Earth Centred Ethics

Earth centred ethics represent an alternative way of understanding ourselves and the world, which is different from the current dominant Western paradigm that sees humans as separate and individually oriented. 

Earth ethics is an ethical approach that is distinct from environmental ethics and could be further developed to form the starting point for a normative framework to act.…

Earth Laws

What are Earth Laws?

Information coming soon!


Bioregional Planning

Bioregional planning is a planning process that seeks to preserve the integrity of a bioregion rather than a political or administrative unit. [1]

Bioregional planning emphasises the integration of social, economic and ecological factors in regional planning and management, and seeks to bring all stakeholders together through a participatory process to develop and implement a dynamic plan for a bioregion.…


What is Bioregionalism?

Advocates of bioregionalism assert that human activity should be largely constrained by ecological or geographical boundaries rather than political ones. [1]

The core principles of bioregionalism include the following notions:

  • Shifting focus away from colonial and national borders towards recognition of Indigenous biocultural landscapes and increasing autonomy on a political, social, cultural and economic level.


Biodiversity is the most complex and vital feature of our planet.  Biodiversity encompasses the sum and variety of all living things, and all their interactions – including all species of plants and animals, micro-organisms, the genetic information they contain and the ecosystems they form.…