Personal Framework Stories

Greenprints can be used as a framework and guide for personal projects and professional eco-navigation. Here’s a story from one of our Greenprints champions –

Kate Baldry, Gold Coast Greenprints project

“My experience around climate action and social change started with fear for the future and social isolation from those around me who were in denial and not activists. Then as I started to become involved in grassroots groups, I felt some strength and support in the knowledge and the passion of the people around me, glad that there were people across the issues I was grappling with. Intelligent people who could see and understand the issues – who had the language and perspectives to make sense of what I was feeling. But after some time in this space I was also feeling a block. I was still feeling an unease that although so many people were passionate and standing up for the “right” thing, there was often a void of what we should do, and how we should do it, when talking about big picture change. There seemed to be no plan, no alternative, no tangible viable framework presented as an alternative in-between.

When I first heard Michelle Maloney speak about Greenprints, I finally found my ‘how to’. I could see an intelligent, comprehensive, grounded and tangible framework we can use, for seeing and creating the world differently. Intersectional and comprehensive in its simple steps, I could see that this could be used to transform society as a practical tangible what next grounded in the right future without abandoning the present or returning to the past a vehicle to rethink reframe and plan into what we need. I use Greenprints as a guide and a ‘touchstone’ for ecocentric transformation.”